Synchronicity syn·chro·nic·i·ty (sngkr-ns-t, sn-) n. pl. syn·chro·nic·i·ties
is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner. To count as synchronicity, the events should be unlikely to occur together by chance

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Friday, 23 April 2010

Would you like... play with Shifted?? 


Now, I can't reveal the whole line up yet but check this:

It's gona be a UKGarageElectroDubstepHouseyHipHopHardcoreJungleReggaeSummervibesss MASH UP!!! 

AND Who better to top that mishmash bowl of sweet delight than

the skillful murderers of conditioned audio boundaries are undoubtedly experienced in bringing the sweaty roof down in heavyweight fashion. Their ability to seamlessly mix JunglewithElectrowithGaragewithWhistles&Horns will, if you haven't been lucky enough to witness it yourself (or even if you have!) leave you with friction holes in the soles of your dancing shoes and your jaws sweeping the floor.


I am SO EXCITED to see these guys play!! for a whole 2 Hours! so they can REALLY showcase their stuff. 

seriously, if you actually don't know who these guys are, look them up!!! 

Links to the badbwoys: 
latest Spring-a-Ling Mix  
Ministry Of Sound Essential UKG Mix 

Here's the bit for YOU, if you would like to join in at Shifted, if you're a talented DJ playing any (or all)  of the above genres (or even something else you think fits the bill) LET ME KNOW!! send me a mix, send me an email, carrier pigeon, choochootrain, whatever! 

(need mixes by 30th APRIL!!)

Shifted's on June 11th 2010 @ Brixton Jamm - your name could be on the flyer!! party party!!