Synchronicity syn·chro·nic·i·ty (sngkr-ns-t, sn-) n. pl. syn·chro·nic·i·ties
is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner. To count as synchronicity, the events should be unlikely to occur together by chance

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Thursday, 8 July 2010

To Smith or not to Smith...

I'm still undecided. A good friend introduced me to them a little while ago (yeh I know I'm late) and to be honest, all I thought was 'Droney, melancholic, would actually prefer eating dead rat cuisine with a side helping of green maggot, music' 

but then: 

"When you have a strong negative reaction to someone, you can be certain that they’re reflecting traits that you also possess (sometimes to a lesser extent) but have been unwilling to embrace. If you accepted those qualities in yourself, you wouldn’t be upset by them." Deepak Chopra

Think it makes sense! 

Over the past few years the above quote (and very many like it) has had a massive effect on my life... makes total sense. try it.