...Which is roughly translated to 'I am You, You are me' or 'I am another yourself' is a Mayan greeting.
Suggesting Unity and Oneness, suggesting that Mayan's believed, as a species, the Human race is all interconnected... with each other and with nature - scrapping our egotistical ideas that fool us into thinking we're out for ourselves.
Also now beginning to be mentioned in modern Quantum Physics.. Which could explain telepathy, Synchronicity, sensing moods/vibes etc. etc.
Took us a while to get here didn't it? Darn our 'Scientific' way of being - the answer's been here all along... We just haven't been asking the right questions it seems.
As a side note... don't you just LOVE that feeling you get when you're in a huge crowd of people and they're all for the same thing? singing along to a powerful song or simply just being? wow. I love that.

Namaste x
The word nama is split into two: na and ma. Na signifies negation and ma represents mine. The meaning would then be 'not mine'. The import being that the individual soul belongs entirely to the Supreme soul, which is identified as residing in the individual towards whom the namaste is directed. Indeed there is nothing that the soul can claim as its own. Namaste is thus the necessary rejection of "I" and the associated phenomena of egotism.