Synchronicity syn·chro·nic·i·ty (sngkr-ns-t, sn-) n. pl. syn·chro·nic·i·ties
is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner. To count as synchronicity, the events should be unlikely to occur together by chance

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Wednesday, 31 March 2010


Some of you may be familiar with him already, my extremely influential business partner, MC Crazy D "Woah woah woah!"

If you do know of him, you'll know that Crazy has A HELLOVALOT of hugemungous parties under his heavyweight dubist belt, he certainly knows how to have a good time, therefore, both D and I are dead set on organising this party that's worth raving to your grandkids about in an 'in my day we KNEW how to party' fashion.

We both know how important the venue is: are the sounds crisp? nice outside space for the smokers? seats for the intellectual/lazy types and do they provide delboy umbrellas with the drinks? All are key points so we had to be sure that we picked the right place, comfortable yet exciting, friendly yet party vibes, cool and in the right location.
'Struck gold' is certainly the most apt term here.

Introducing: Brixton Jamm. Perfect.

Outside space, amazing size in and out, banging sound system, seats, toilet facilities that don't require a snorkel to enter, 2 rooms and an amazing vibe, trendy with a hint of class served up with a sprig of swagger. Lovely.

No pink cocktail umbrellas though? I'll bring some if the demand's there, although, I'm sure your attention will be preoccupied once you get there.

On another note, please could you help me out? I've been reminiscing over old penny sweets that are no longer available, when penny sweets actually cost 1p? Please drop me a line with your faves on there, so far I've come up with:

Lovage! =) X

So excited!!! I can reveal the date for your diary and a concept to shake your tic tacs VERY soon!! =D

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Waffling Versatile

Yo =)

First of all, thanks SO much to everyone who's re-read, re-tweeted and re-posted my initial post! The wicked response from everyone just reminds me how cool and mario star special people are. Your support has just encouraged me even further to ensure this event is 100% about funtimes.

I'm a fun loving girl with an agreement with myself to do something new EVERY single week, whether that's visit a random place on the map, try a weird seafood concoction or learn a new skill because I've learned to understand that life's for living, all about the enjoyment factor.

"If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll always get what you've got. If what you're doing isn't working, do something else"

So recently I've moulded my life to following my bliss, everything I choose to do features somewhere on my imaginary enjoymeter, if it fails to score that high, it's time to revise.

So, with all that said, I am thoroughly enjoying the planning process of what I hope to be an event, no, an experience to encourage severe salivation and adrenalin overload (I'm SO e-number excited!!)

Shifted is under discussion and we have plans of the 3D kind. I'm not talking Avatar, funny glassesbearing 3D, just adding a little extra touches that any proud interior designer will tell you most definitely 'completes' the all-round experience.

Bit by bit we'll be able to reveal what the hell I'm talking about

We're gonna take you to another dimension, pay close attention = Tuna

Namaste earthlings X

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Oh hai

So... Thought I'd start a blog. Late with the trends again, that's me. So far behind I'm bringing it back through the cycle 10 years down the line but let's not worry about that.

Shift happened.. Always has, always will, especially now. I won't bore you with my intense love for that play on words involving theories of collective consciousness and human evolution, nope, I'll keep it simple. 'Shifted' is an event I'm currently organising. Literally, currently. I only came up with the name and tagline last night along with a concept I feel is really going to whisk up your mundane thoughts of clubnights and their pigeon-holed attendees.

For a while I've wanted something different from my nights out. I'm a 'been there, done that, got the wristband to prove it' kind of girl when it comes to Drum'n'Bass & Dubstep events and whilst I still hold both genres close to my heart and ipod hand I've started to want to explore other musical wonders recently. Maybe that's a sign of growing up or maybe it's a sign of the new age of experimental eclectic music listeners?

It's apparent throughout the 'mainstream' charts, 'pop' music is filled with tons of audible goodies. Dance, Rock, 'Indie', R'n'B, Hippity Hop, Electro... etc etc on and on... Which shows the vast taste the youngsters of today are welcoming with open mittens, my 14 year old sisters wall is occupied by a 'MCR' (My Chemical Romance) poster yet she educates me on Miley Cyrus and Chipmunk.

So... Of course we will always need the die hard mono/duo genre nights, to keep the 'scenes' as strong as they are but through various chats and opinion offerings between me and my friends, I feel we need some mash up, house party style events going down, something and everything for everyone. Various genres under the same roof. Cheese clubs do it week in week out but I'm not talking diabolical 'mixing' of weak (no offence, Souljaboy) rinsed tunes from Kiss 100's 'played 3million times a day' playlist, I mean, each hour you're treated to a set which, in it's own right is worthy of a main slot in Fabric or Matter no matter what style is being served.

I'd be ignorant to say that this beautiful concept isn't already taking place at impressive nights such as Urban Nerds, those guys know how to throw a party but I'm adding a spin to it, I won't let the feline friend out of the bag yet but I want to help you recapture that flutterby feeling you used to experience on your excitable journey in to what you know is going to be a night to remember forever.

Over the coming weeks I'll be updating the progress on what will hopefully be an amazing, widely obtainable experience you'll want to miss Eastenders for.

Nikki X